Claudia Cinelli (Module-Holder, University of Pisa, Department of Political Science)
By successfully mapping different teaching and research activities, incl. as Marie Curie Fellow, mainly in Italy, Spain, UK, Norway and USA, Prof. Cinelli acquired substantial interdisciplinary academic experience and very good leadership and management skills in the area of legal and political studies, especially, international law and European Law. Dr. Cinelli has been interested on outer space affairs since 2013. With her last monograph (2020), Dr. Cinelli focused on the law of international spaces, including outer space. Based in this research monography, she activated a course within the Master Degree LM52 at the Political Sciences Department on Law of International Spaces, teaching for the first time at UNPI, a module on space law. She has been organizing several events on space law. She carried out an interdisciplinary MIT-UNIPI project on Advancing State Responsible Behaviors in Outer Space (2022- 2023).
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Philippe Bertrand (European Space Agency for the Space Programme)
During the 52nd meeting of EUSPA’s Security Accreditation Board, Dr. Bertrand, European affairs DGA coordinator, was elected as its new chair by the Member States representatives. He has a vast experience in space-related activities and more specifically in satellite navigation. He has held several managerial positions in the public sector, namely in the French Armed Forces, the office of the French Prime Minister and the European Commission.
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Maria Elena De Maestri (University of Genova, Department of Law)
Prof. De Maestri teaches International Law and Private International Law of the European Union. She also delivers lectures for students enrolled in specialisation schools. From September 2016 she is the scientific coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUSPACE, Europe in Space: Law and Technology. She is the author of several publications dealing with EU and International Law.
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Simonetta Di Pippo (Bocconi University, Space Economy Evolution Lab)
Prof. Di Pippo served as Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). Prior to joining UNOOSA, she served as Director of Human Spaceflight at ESA. In 2008, the International Astronomical Union named asteroid 21887 “dipippo” in honour of her contribution to space activities and in 2006, she was knighted by the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi as Cavaliere Ufficiale al Merito. She has been the first woman to be honoured with the Hubert Curien award.
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Marco Ferrazzani (European Space Agency)
Dr. Ferrazzani served as ESA’s Legal Counsel, and advisor to the ESA Director General and to the ESA Council for all institutional and legal matters, including the interpretation of the ESA Convention and all relevant legal instruments. These include protecting and defending ESA’s rights and position, identifying risks and devising legal solutions to mitigate these, preparing in the drafting of agreements, conducting international negotiations as well as preparing institutional decisions, resolutions, declarations and other legal instruments for the execution of European space programmes. Moreover, he sits on a number of boards including those of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL).
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Giovanni Federico Gronchi (University of Pisa, Department of Mathematics)
Prof. Gronchi is member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) since 2006, and since August 2018 he is member of the Organizing Committee of the IAU Commission A4. From 2018 to 2021 he has been Secretary of IAU Inter-Division A-F Commission Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy and from 2021 he is vice-President of the same IAU Commission. In 2007 his name has been given to asteroid (96217), for his contributions to Celestial Mechanics and its applications to Astronomy. Since 2014 he is president of the SIMCA (Italian Society of Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics). Since June 2018 he is member of the Administrative Board of the spin-off SpaceDyS s.r.l.
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Thomas Hoerber (School of Management, École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers)
Prof. hoerber holds a PhD in European Studies on European integration in France, Germany and Britain. He had studied at Trinity Hall since 2000, including a MPhil in European Studies on Anglo-German naval politics in the wake of the Second World War. His current research focuses is onEuropean integration as well as on the European Space Policy within the European integration process. He takes on issues relating to the politics, the economics and the ethics of commercializing space with the aim at building a bridge between the research carried out on European Space Policy and the issues that are currently pertinent in the global discussion of future space policy.
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Simone Marinai (University of Pisa, Department of Law)
Prof. Marinai has a substantial academic experience both in teaching and researching in the area of EU Law, Public International Law and Private International Law since 1999. From 3.9.2015 to 16.3.2018 he has been Full Professor of International Law at the Italian Naval Academy of Livorno. He has been qualified as Full Professor of EU Law on 6 March 2018. He taught courses of International Law, EU Law, EU Policies, ND International Organization Law. He has been involved in many national and international research projects and he participated, as speaker, in several workshop and seminars in Italy, Spain, Argentina, Norway and Morocco.
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Peter Martinez (Secure World Foundation)
Dr. Martinez has extensive experience in multilateral space diplomacy, space policy formulation and space regulation. He also has extensive experience in capacity building in space science and technology and in workforce development. From 2011 – 2018 he chaired the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) Working Group on the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities that negotiated a set of international consensus guidelines to promote the safety and sustainability of space operations. In 2012 and 2013 he was South Africa’s representative on the United Nations Group of Government Experts on transparency and confidence- building measures for space activities. He is also a an Honorary Professor at the University of Cape Town.
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Rodolphe Muñoz (European Commission)
From May 2017, Dr. Muñoz is responsible for the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) component of the Space Regulation. In charge of other activities: Space Traffic Management, H2020 Research, COPUOS meetings and the space law (safety). He also worked on EFTA Surveillance Authority, Legal Officer, with a focus on: Standardization; Data protection; Free movement of goods; Services Directive and Monopolies. He was also expert for the European Commission, the European Parliament, National governments, United Nations, OECD, while being researcher at the University of Liège, Institut d’Etudes Juridiques Européennes, Law University (Belgium).
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Carmen Muñoz Rodríguez (University of Jaén, Humanities and Education Science)
Prof. Muñoz Rodríguez is a member of a number of distinguished institutions including the ECSL, Spanish Centre for Space Law, the International Institute for Space Law, the Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations and the European Society for International Law (ESIL). She is Director of the University Chair AstroÁndalus in Air, Space and Astronomical Studies at the University of Jaen, funded by the enterprise AstroÁndalus for carrying out several activities: teaching, research and the so-called ‘third mission’ (education, scientific productivity and socio-economic interaction with non-academic environments) mainly in Space Law.
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Simone Paoli (University of Pisa, Department of Political Science)
Prof. Paoli worked for the Università di Padova, the Università degli Studi Internazionali in Rome, the Université Catholique de Louvain, and the Hans-Böckler-Stiftungin Düsseldorf. He has been Visiting Professor at the Department of Political Sciences of the Umeå Universitet and the Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po in Paris. He has published widely on the history of European integration, Euro-Mediterranean relations and international organizations. He was coordinating a Jean Monnet Project on «Mobility, Migrations and European Integration» (2020/2023). His research interests focus on the history of transatlantic relations.
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Sara Poli (University of Pisa, Department of Political Science)
Prof. Poli teaches EU Law and the Law of EU external relations at the University of Pisa. She was member of the Jean Monnet networks EUDIPLO and EUCTER. She has held a Jean Monnet Chair between 2013 and 2016. She has carried out research with the support of the DAD short term fellowship, Robert Schuman fellowship (EUI), the Marie Curie fellowship (EUI), the Fulbright-Schuman fellowship and the Belgian ‘Vlac fellowship’. She has been teaching assistant in the Department of European Legal Studies of the College of Europe (Bruges). She did her PhD studies at the Scuola Superiore S. Anna (Pisa).
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Katarzyna Pogorzelska (Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
Dr. Pogorzelska is a Doctor of International Law working on legal issues arising in the intersection of law, digital economy and technology. She researched on issues directly relevant to space-derived data such as the value of Earth observation data and assessment of the implementation of Copernicus DIAS. She also analyzed legal aspects related to digital transformation of different sectors, including the downstream segment of space economy. This stream of research included questions of liability of intermediary service providers for the third- party digital content and legal questions related to the emerging technologies such AI and blockchain in the context of novel applications for the metaverse and autonomous contracting.
Ezio Villa (European Space Agency for the Space Programme)
With 18 years’ experience as an attorney at law specialized in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate and commercial law, public procurement and PPP, he joined the GSA, now EUSPA, as Head of the Legal and Procurement Department in 2016, after having worked at the European Commission as a legal expert. Since 2018, he has been the Agency Data Protection Officer (DPO). His main space-related functions are related to coordinating procurement, grants, prizes, institutional agreements, legal advice in the field of procurement law, contract law, Union law, and corporate matters.
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