

Claudia Cinelli, PhD, is Associate Professor in International Law at the Università di Pisa. She is currently Module-Holder of the Jean Monnet Project ”EU Space Policy, International Law, and Sustainability” (EUSPIL).

From 2022 to 2023 she was  principal investigator of the international project “Advancing Responsible State Behavior in Outer Space”,  grant awarded under Massachusetts Institute of Technology -Italy Universita’ di Pisa Seed Fund.

She has studied/worked in several Universities in Italy, Spain, UK, Netherlands and Norway. She has successfully held a Marie Curie Intra-European project on the ‘European Union as a global actor in the Arctic Ocean’, carried out at the Arctic University of Norway (Tromsø, NO, 2014-2017). She has been part of the academic staff of prestigious research projects at European and national levels (i.e., Jean Monnet Projects; H2020 COST Actions; others projects financed by national grants, such as University Research Project “Moscow and Brussels from 1985 to 1994”  at the Università di Pisa).

She authored/edited 6 books and one special issue: one in Italian, four of them were published in English and one in Spanish by renowned international publishers. She wrote over 50 pieces published in Journals or in collective volumes.


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56126 Pisa PI

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